SR22 insurance is required from drivers who have their licenses revoked resulting from traffic misdemeanor. Some of these traffic infractions include over speeding, driving under the influence, driving without the required car insurance, and getting involved in a car collision without car insurance. Aside from the fact that SR22 insurance is expensive, many car insurance companies are not providing it to drivers who have these and other traffic infractions. This makes getting SR22 insurance all the more difficult, also in case of a non owner sr22 car insurance.

With the advent of the Internet, drivers are now resorting to SR22 filing online. Without a doubt, getting SR22 online is very easy and the most convenient way of getting car insurance with SR22. The driver does not have to wait for paperwork and fall in long queue when doing their SR22 filing online.

To lessen the premium for car insurance with SR22, a driver needs to request and compare several SR22 insurance quotes from multiple car insurance companies that offer SR22. By doing this, the driver has the chance to see which SR22 insurance policy offers lower car insurance premium with the coverage that the driver perfectly needs. With SR22 filing online, a driver can go back to driving without having to worry about more traffic violations.

For some reason, some insurance companies make the filing of an SR-22 document seem like a mystery, giving you the impression it is some secretive and complicated matter that you should not question too closely. You cannot start becoming an informed insurance buyer without knowing what SR-22 means, and if you fall into one of the categories of drivers required to file the form, you should know exactly what you are getting into.


Because the SR22 document essentially proves your financial responsibility, people have erroneously concluded that it is insurance for poor people. This is not the case. It is true that having a very bad credit history can affect your options in buying insurance, but it also affects your ability to get an SR-22 filing because, if you recall, the whole point of having it is to establish financial responsibility. The major reasons you will need an SR-22 include:

  • getting caught driving without insurance
  • being cited for DUI/DWI or other serious moving violation
  • causing an accident (being at fault) while driving uninsured
  • receiving repeat citations in a short period of time, and
  • driving with a suspended or revoked license.

In most states you will be required to have an SR-22 for a specific length of time, often three years. If you get through that time period without reneging on payments or getting additional tickets, your SR-22 requirement will expire.

Non Owner SR22 Insurance

If currently you have no car to drive, it does not mean you do not have to obtain insurance because it is still a requirement for reinstating your license or maintaining your driving privileges. Having no ownership does not mean you cannot drive another vehicle at all, so it cannot be used as a valid reason. For instance, you have no ownership of vehicle, but you can still drive other vehicles with permission granted by the owner.

A Non owner SR22 insurance, it has to be said, does not extend to the insured’s household, and he/she cannot drive a vehicle owned by household members due to some legal concerns. If you have not owned a vehicle, and the state requires you to carry SR22 insurance in order to maintain your driving privileges, you can submit a Non Owner SR22 insurance so as to keep your license valid and your driving privileges intact.

You will have a long-term filing status with an non owner sr22, typically three years as mentioned above, which you should think of as driving probation. That is how your state DMV and police think of it, so you should, too. The SR-22 is not insurance itself, and you are required to have ongoing insurance coverage during your SR-22 status. The insurance company that issues you a policy pursuant to an SR-22 filing will notify the authorities in your state at once if your policy is unpaid, canceled or lapses, triggering the suspension of your license once again.

Not every insurance company will file the SR-22, so you need to become an informed consumer first and do your research. There are also different rates for the service, as well as a wide range of policy costs, so you really do need to shop around. You can look forward to a smooth experience if you use a company experienced with the SR-22 filing, and some insurers will stay on top of things to the point that they will file a termination form with the authorities (called an SR-26 in some states), usually within some 10 days of the SR-22′s expiration.


What is a Named Operator Policy?

A named-operator policy is also sometimes called a non-owner policy. It is written when the individual needs coverage only for his personal operation of a motor vehicle not owned by him or a family member.

The reason people get this type of policy is because if you are in need of a required liability insurance policy to get an SR22 filed with the state but do not own a motor vehicle.

This type of liability insurance only covers the named insured while operating vehicles. In some states a non-owner policy or non owner SR22 includes Bodily Injury Liability and Property Damage Liability. The policy will cover you up to the limits you choose depending on the type of coverage you choose for your policy.


Different state requirements

Generally speaking, if you have an SR-22 currently and move to another state, you will have to finish out the stated time period anyway. You will also need to get in-state insurance with liability limits that meet the required minimums in your former home state. For example, if you have an SR-22 in a state where the minimum liability figures are 50/100/25, and move to a state with 25/50/10 limits, you still have to carry the former, higher limits in your new state. You will continue in your SR-22 status in the new state until the time period ends in the old one.

Some states do not have SR22 requirements, like Delaware, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, New Mexico and Kentucky. If you move to one of these places while in SR-22 status, however, you will have to meet the insurance requirements of the old state where you were required to file the SR-22. If your SR-22 is from, say, Arizona, and then you move to New Mexico, you will continue filing the SR-22 with Arizona until the time period runs out. You will get a New Mexico policy, but keep on filing your SR-22 in Arizona until your period expires.


Bottom line for SR22

You need to shop around to find insurance companies that will do these filings if you do not want to handle it yourself. A variety of firms, including SR-22 specialists, exist for the express reason of helping you stay on the road, safe and insured. With some companies and in some states, there may be a filing fee attached to the SR-22, as well. The concept as a whole is similar among the many states using SR22 programs, but you need to remember that the devil is in the details, and there are a lot of them. It is crucial that you find a firm that has the experience and expertise to help you navigate through the complexities of the SR-22 filing.

Most states require an SR22 for major convictions such as a DUI or DWI, driving while license suspended or revoked and at fault accidents without insurance to name a few.

What Is SR22 Auto Insurance Policy?

An SR22 is not an insurance policy on its own. It is merely a certificate issued by an insurance company that states while the person is a high risk they are still insurable. This certificate is then linked to an insurance policy which is designed specifically for high-risk drivers. Insurance companies will generally only issue the SR22 certificates to their policy holders which is why it is often simply referred to as a SR22 auto insurance policy. If you have a poor driving record where your license has been suspended and you try to obtain auto insurance without a SR22 certificate, you will find the insurance premiums will be exorbitant. In addition, many insurance companies may simply refuse to insure you because of your bad track record.

Reasons Why You May Be Classified as a High-Risk Driver

The most common reason that drivers are cited as being high risk is as a result of being arrested for driving recklessly or under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Reckless driving may include speeding or driving overly aggressively in traffic in a way that is a danger to other road users. Other reasons that drivers may be arrested could be for driving while having a suspended license. These cases are usually looked upon with some seriousness as the drivers often already have bad driving records. Drunk driving in particular is a serious offense that can lead to not only to having your license suspended but also imprisonment. For some offenses that are less serious, offenders may be able to have their driving licenses reinstated after a period of time. This is usually based on the condition that they can get SR22 auto insurance.

Finding the Best SR22 Auto Insurance Policy

Remember when shopping around for an SR22 policy, you need to prepare yourself to pay premium rates. Insurance companies will always charge high-risk people higher insurance premiums because the likelihood of a claim is very high. You cannot compare rates with standard insurance policies so be aware of this when asking for quotes. Know that the insurance company is likely to do background checks on you to verify the facts of your case so it is wise to be upfront and honest about your situation. Contact several companies or use a broker to get comparative quotes. The SR22 certificate is usually for a limited time period until such time as you prove you are a lower risk driver. When getting quotes, find out what happens to the policy when the SR22 certificate runs its course. Most companies will then lower your premiums accordingly. Depending on your risk profile, some insurance companies will require that you pay six to 12 months of premiums in advance. This can be difficult for the average salaried person, especially when the insurance premiums that you are going to be paying will be more expensive than most. Once you have a number of quotes, compare the premiums and the value of the policies. Check the fine print and make sure you are familiar with all the terms and conditions before you sign on the bottom line.

The Benefits of a SR22 Auto Insurance Policy

The main benefit is being able to legally drive again and regain a level of independence. If you have been used to having the independence of your own car then you will probably find it very frustrating to have to make use of public transport or rely on the generosity of friends in order to get around. The SR22 auto insurance policy gives you an opportunity to clear your record. By being able to get on the road once again, you can prove to everyone that you are in fact a responsible driver. Perhaps it was a one-time incident that landed you in trouble. This then offers you an opportunity to redeem yourself and your driving reputation so you can once again become a regular road user.

Most states require an SR22 for major convictions such as a DUI or DWI, driving while license suspended or revoked and at fault accidents without insurance to name a few. Visit Non Owner SR22 Agency for your next sr22 car insurance quote today.